So we have an investigator, Sis. Conception, that is golden and awesome and smart but she refuses to stop believing in the Nicene conception of the Trinity, instead of the New Testament description of the Godhead. We’ve used everything on her and she just refuses and we have made no progress since I got here so we may have to drop her.
We also have the Miquies Family that we are trying to get married so we can baptize them. We also have two younger girls that are the shyest people I’ve ever met (and I’ve met Jonah); we taught the entire Law of Chastity lesson to them only to have them ask at the end “What’s sexual sin?”
Service project: Mowing the lawn with a machete. |
One of the common service projects we do for widows and old people is cutting their grass. Of course, we mow the lawn using a machete (what is there this amazing implement cannot do?) Then we pile up all the grass and burn it in a very smokey fire. People are grateful to see their houses.
I went on splits with Elder Forrest on Wednesday. I met him in the MTC, where he was 6 weeks behind me. He’s a super nice kid, but a little hyper. He’s awesome and super friendly, and speaks less Tagalog than me.
We went to Elder Katoa’s and Tangi’s farewell party today, they’re going home, that’s why I’m so late emailing tonight.
I love and miss you all.
Elders Nielson and James,
my MTC room mates. |
Elder Allen